Russian Language Leaving Cert exam preparation courses
Russian for second level students. Preparing for the Leaving Cert Exam
Leaving Cert Exam in Russian
Kalinka Russian Language School is hosting its Russian language classes only online (Skype).
The Department of Education has recognised the importance of learning a second language in Ireland, so that is why for many years Russian is now a part of the Leaving Cert Syllabus. Every year since 2010 the Kalinka Russian Language School has successfully prepared students for the Russian oral and written Leaving Cert exams.
We offer specialist Leaving Cert Exam preparation courses in Dublin. Our exam preparation courses focus on areas of the Russian language that you may not be so confident with, plus common exam topics.
As part of this preparation the school teaches the ability to speak, write, listen to, and read Russian. These classes also include learning Russian grammar. They also focus on widening the students vocabulary; learning how to express one’s opinion; how to keep the conversation in Russian flowing and learning the ability to talk about Russian and Irish everyday life.
This cultural context for learning Russian is also a very important part of our programme. Students can definitely learn a lot about Russian culture and history as part of the language journey.
Price per hour |
Price per term |
1 hr - €35 (one to one tuition) | €350 (one to one tuition) |
1 hr - €25 (group class, no more than 5 students) | €250 (group class, no more than 5 students) |

Leaving Cert student at Kalinka Russian Language School
Anton is currently doing his Leaving Cert Exams ( including Russian) and he lives in Dublin. He has been studying the Russian language at Kalinka school for 7 years. For all of this time Anton has been an excellent student.
Anton’s family moved to Ireland from Latvia when he was a small boy. At that time Anton spoke Russian because it was his family language and he didn’t speak any English at all. It was not then surprising that during his first days in Ireland, attending a primary school that Anton was a little lost. He had a good teacher who supported his English language learning and he quickly made good progress. Soon Anton’s English became his familiar first language outside his home.
At the same time Anton’s mother, Ilona, felt the need to become his Russian language teacher at home. She taught him how to read and write the basics in Russian, but Anton also needed to learn it’s complicated grammar. He wanted to write fluently and explore Russian literature.
So, Anton’s parents got in touch with our Kalinka Russian Language School in Dublin and he has continued his studies with us for the past seven years.
Today Anton speaks French, Irish, fluent English and, of course, Russian. He is planning to make a career for himself using his Russian language skills. With that in mind he intends studying International Business at Trinity College Dublin.
Ireland and Russia continue to develop good and friendly relationships through business, economic and cultural connections.
We believe that Anton with a bit of luck, will be well able to contribute to this desired future. We in Kalinka are proud to have been part of Anton’s story so far. We wish him well in the future.
I have been studying Russian with Irina for the past 3 years in order to prepare for my Russian Leaving Cert exam. She has helped me a lot in expanding my knowledge of the Russian language through means of oral practice, writing, understanding Russian grammar and much more. Irina provides a variety of teaching methods that include exercises, one on one conversations in Russian, learning Russian history and much more. Classes are held over a Skype call which is extremely convenient and flexible when need be. Throughout her teaching my fluency and Russian vocabulary have greatly improved, along with my confidence in taking the Leaving Cert exam. With her help, I am able to learn Russian in a good environment with a good teacher.
Liya Skrypnychuk (student)
Lera and Liya
Two teenage sisters, Lera and Liya are now studying Russian at Kalinka Language School in Dublin. They are both preparing for their Russian Leaving Cert Exam in the future.
Liya, the younger of the two, is 13 years old now. She was born in Ireland but she spent her earliest years in the Ukraine with Lera, at their grandparents home. Liya and her sister came back to Ireland from the Ukraine when she was 5 years old and Lera was 7. In Ireland she watched how Lera studied Russian at home and she was curious about the language too. Lera’s teacher at home was her Mum.
Lera had begun to study the Russian language for one year at school in the Ukraine, so that when she came back to Ireland (2011) she was not learning Russian from scratch. In 2017 the two sisters joined the Russian School ’’Raduga’’ for one year.
Now in 2019, they are successfully studying Russian at Kalinka. At the moment the two girls are taking on the complexity of Russian grammar. They do exercises, read texts and discuss them with the teacher, but most of all they like to learn more about Russian culture, history and traditions.
Lera is very artistic and really likes Russian poetry. During our Kalinka Club meeting on Ivan Turgenev Lera was very happy to recite Turgenev’s poem ’’Flower’’ in Russian and she did herself proud in so doing. All these different activities help Lera and Liya to delve deeper into the richness of the Russian language and culture.